
CHICO AAUW hosts a general meeting each month, September through May, covering areas of varied topics.

Chico AAUW has many varied INTEREST GROUPS to cover a wide range of participation.

Our branch is actively involved in many projects that seek to improve educational opportunity and equality for women and girls. Check out our Service page to read about our local scholarship program, Tech Trek Science Camp, Career Trek at Butte College, the Chico Science Fair, and our commitment to AAUW Funds.

Events 2024

May 2024, General Meeting and Awards


President’s Special Recognition Awards were presented to Michelle Rasmussen (center) and Jan Britton (lower right).

Forty years of membership recognition was presented to Linda Koch (center right)

Outgoing President’s award was presented to Sue Blizman (lower right)

April 2024, General Meeting

The April branch meeting featured guest speaker Shelly Rogers from Bidwell Wildlife Rehabilitation, a wonderful local resource. She brought a of newly-rescued baby squirrels for us to meet during her very informative presentation.

January 2024, General Meeting


Events 2023

November 2023, General Meeting

Our November branch meeting
featured guest speaker Heather
Wood, local coordinator for American Cultural Exchange Service – (ACES) and 3 of this year’s international students.

They talked about the origins
of the program and the lives of
women in different parts of the world.

Each girl dressed in traditional clothing from her country, and they brought sweet treats to share.


May 20, 2023 AAUW Spring Brunch, General Meeting

May 2023

And our May 2023 Power of 100+ Women meeting winner is…

AAWU TECH Trek Stem Camp for Girls!

AAUW Tech TREK Stem Camp coordinates with Chico middle schools to provide the opportunity for 7th grade girls to attend a weeklong STEM-based summer program at a CA university. There are both in-person and virtual sessions to accommodate students. They plan to use the funds from Power of 100 Women to send more girls to the program in 2024. Each slot costs $1,000 so our donation has the opportunity to send 20+ girls! A huge thanks to all three of our presenters including @riverpartners and The Work Training Center for an amazing night! Please mail your checks to Tech Trek at the address in your email update and consider donating to our other two presenters here:


April 30, 2023 – Women of Distinction Awards

March 27, 2023 – Members General Meeting


March 26, 2023 –  Antiques Appraisal Fair

Thanks to our volunteer appraisers, hard at work above, and the branch members who made this such a success. We can send several girls to camp.  The Tiffany Lamp stand owned by the Brights was a standout item,  appraised valued at over $5,000.


February 2023 – Inter Branch Council Luncheon Presentation on MMIW

January 2023 – General Meeting, Presentation by River Partners

Link to Presentation Slides by Jade Jacobs, Restoration Ecologist

Events 2022

December 2022 – General Gathering, Presentation of Catalyst Gifts

November 2022 – General Meeting, Presentation of Passages


October 2022 – Souper Supper and AAUW Funds Fundraiser Event

Our Souper Supper event  raised $2,570  for AAUW Funds and was sent to
National, mostly designated for the “Greatest Needs”Fund.

A big thank you to Toni Reid (of League of Women Voters and our own AAUW) for her presentation on state ballot measures and to Margaret Swick for the
information on our local measures.

We ZOOM connected  with Kathy Harper, AAUW-CA Public Policy Chair, who shared information on Proposition 1.

Jana Lawton’s beautiful bowls added to the festivities. Many
thanks to all who helped with the delicious soups, breads, cookies, set up and clean
up, and to the over 40 people who attended.

October 2022 – Chico Parade of Lights

September 2022 – High Tea Fundraiser for Scholarships for Chico High Schools

September 2022 – Welcome Back Brunch

May 2022 – Annual Spring Brunch and Awards Meeting

April 2022

February 2022

Events 2021

October 2021

Link to Power Point Presentation on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

January 2021

Events 2020

December 2020


Jan Britton, along with Linda MacMichael, and Kathy
Sweet, delivered our gifts to Catalyst in support of
two families. All wishes on their lists were fulfilled.
Thanks to everyone who made a contribution. More
information next month.

March 2020

Chico Branch Celebrates 100 Year Anniversary:


Link to Chico Enterprise-Record Congratulations Editorial


January 2020

Events 2019

October 2019

July 2019

Branch members Sue Blizman, Joan Cleveland and Jana Lawton  visited the Tech Trek Camp at U.C. Davis Campus. The campers participated in many classes with  solar cars and bridge building shown. Six of our happy campers are shown.

August 2019


May 2019

Mary and Caroline announce scholarship winners. Kim demonstrates how one can build a girl for Tech Trek funds. New officers for 2019-2020: Kathy Sweet and Jan Brittan, Co Presidents. Adele Arnold Secretary. Marilyn Myrick, Financial Officer. Marissa explains the Girls Outdoor Adventure in Science which was funded by AAUW Funds. AAUW Funds Named Grand Honorees, Mary Jensen and Jan Brittan. Local Branch President’s Award, Helen Gesick and Barbara Paige (not shown). Kim’s beautiful yard for a gathering.

April 2019

February 2019


January  2019

February 2019

March 2019


Events 2018

December 2018

May 2018

Top:  New Officers Elected. (L to R) Marilyn Myrick; Financial Officer, Adele Arnold; Secretary, Kathy Sweet: Co-President; Susan Critchfield, Membership; Katy Azevedo, Co-President

Lower Left: Educational Funds Award Recipients, Carol Holzgrafe (L) and Mary Hall (R). Jana Lawton (C) Received a Special Presidents Award.

Lower Right: Outgoing Officers receive Thank You

Left to Right: Barbara Paige, Secretary; Helen Gesick, Co-President; Toni Reid, Co-President; Denise Worth, Financial Officer


April 2018

Dr. Samia Yaqub speaks about her position as President of Butte College

March 2018

February 2018

January 2018

March 2018

Women’s March on Chico